
5 Years at Signmaster

Written by Sam Kehoe | May 20, 2022 3:14:18 PM

What a journey!

It is remarkable to think that 5 years has passed since Samantha, and I took ownership of Signmaster Systems back in 2017! Some days it feels like it happened a lifetime ago, other times, it feels like it was only yesterday. What a journey! Like any business owner will know, running a business is full of highs and lows, and at times it can feel like the mountain you are climbing will never come to an end but what has been so satisfying with Signmaster is that whilst climbing the mountain, we have achieved so many great things and we are incredibly proud of our time spent here.

Time to Reflect

Reflecting on the past 5 years is a worthwhile exercise and I recommend you all give it a go. It reminds you of what you have accomplished, what has changed and how far you have come. The biggest change we have arguably made is moving Signmaster to its very own premises, rather than something rented. A BIG MOVE but we have gone from strength to strength in our new home. Aside from the move the most satisfying change would have to be launching our new website. Both projects big and scary in themselves but both really positive steps for Signmaster……. although I will NEVER forget walking around our new empty building back in April 2020, after moving in only months before as Covid struck and the team were sent home, whether on furlough or working from home. Like us all during that scary time, I didn’t know whether it would ever have people in it again, what was going to happen and having invested heavily into it, it was a real concern.

Run by printers, for printers

The biggest and most satisfying changes aside, our main focus when we bought Signmaster was to bring across our experience as print owners and deliver what was needed to enable you all to keep going, whether that be printing at night or during the weekends. We were a customer of Signmaster before we bought the business and so knew the staff and the products being sold well but we did feel there was a gap there to be bridged between supplier and customer and we have and continue to do what we can to bridge it. It was one of the main reasons I made the decision to stay open during Covid, I learnt how to pick and pack orders to ensure you could all keep going…….as without ink, media or machines, how could you?


It goes without saying that we would be nowhere without our team. Over the 5 years we have seen lots of new faces as we continue to grow but that family feel remains and is as strong as ever. I was once told that the most important thing when running a business is your staff, look after them and they will look after you!

 The Future

It is now time to put a stake in the ground and set goals for what can be achieved in the next five years. Working as a reseller we are often governed by the manufacturers and their product launches and supply chain but as Signmaster, we are always looking for ways that we can deliver an excellent customer experience and offer you the very best products available on the wide format print market. As we look to the future we will continue to listen to our customers, offer market leading products, and continue putting one foot forward (however scary it can seem at times). I haven’t got a crystal ball, but I am confident that we will continue putting our customers first, continue to improve and if nothing else, be older, greyer and likely fatter! ?

Until then, Happy Printing!